Incentives & Teambuilding

|Incentives & Team building

Unforgettable · motivating · experience-oriented · customised

"Only those who burn themselves, can ignite the fire in others."
Augustinus Aurelius

Whether as employee motivation, appreciation for top performance, a successful project completion, or achieved sales targets - emotional experiences with sustainable positive memories are the key to successful incentives.

Incentive has its origin in the Latin word "incendo" and means "I light up”. I would be pleased to research an unusual destination with inspiring incentive and adventure ideas in the form of an experience-intensive and emotional incentive trip.

Upon request, you will receive individual modules or a complete incentive concept with a schedule, descriptions of the locations / activities, and cost estimates.

Are you looking for a different auxiliary programme for demanding business partners and customers? Experience your venue differently, instead of on the bus or just by visiting the touristy and well-known places. From art, crafts about city history, literature, cuisine to architecture - we look behind the scenes, your guests get interesting insights, get to know exciting personalities and see the city with different eyes.

In recent years, I have built up a valuable network of local agencies and service providers. What we organise together is not off the rack. No program is the same, but individual, because each group has a different profile.

My scope of services

You can book the following services and packages:
  • Hotel and destination research
  • Incentive concepts
  • Supporting program
  • Requests for proposals and selection of service providers
  • Project management and control
  • Projet management and control
  • Interface coordination with the local DMCBudgeting & cost control
  • Coordination of print and advertising materials
  • Coordination of transfer and placement
  • On-site implementation
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